In March, I want to introduce you to all of the different treatment methods I use for swallowing & voice rehabilitation and maintenance exercises. Yesterday, we discussed the Mobili-T biofeedback device to see the swallow and base of tongue movement in real-time. Today, I'm happy to introduce you to the Tongueometer!
The Tongueometer is a device that measures the pressure of the tongue against the bulb of the device. It allows us to measure your strength and set achievable goals toward a "normal" or "healthy" pressure compared to same-aged peers.
The Tongueometer has applications for isometric exercise (similar to a sit-up) and endurance exercise (similar to cardio for a 5k). Our muscles are made up to three different types of fibers - fast, slow, and hybrid.
The beautiful thing about the Tongueometer is that we can exercise all of the different types of muscle fibers in various directions for the tongue, lips, AND cheeks. It truly is versatile!
What is "Normal" for tongue strength/pressure?
The IOPI is a device which is very similar to the Tongueometer. Their normal ranges are as follows for Tongue and Cheek/Lip Strength
We use the data above to set measurable goals for your tongue strength. In my experience, individuals make progress with this device within 8 weeks of consistent use (2-3x/week). In addition, I have seen significant improvements with drooling and loss of liquids from the lips by using the Tongueometer device. I believe the exercises completed with the device brings a new level of mind-body connection to speaking and swallowing. I believe it helps the individual's mind keep the lips closed, suctioned to the roof of the mouth in the correct position, and increase frequency of swallows with the back of the tongue.
Ultimately, the Tongueometer or any similar tongue pressure measurement device is key in articulation and swallowing treatment to reach measurable goals.
Would you try it?
Let me know! Peace & Love!
-TK <3